A U G U S T - Sun in Leo/ Sun in Virgo – Zodiac Coffee Roasters

A U G U S T - Sun in Leo/ Sun in Virgo

The everyday seems illuminated as Uranus in Aries sextiles your Sun (August 1&2 direct; retro the rest of the month). Completely new situations, people, and opportunities will interrupt what you’re doing and delight you with their challenges, should you be wise enough to accept them. Fighting change or locking yourself away emotionally would be a major mistake for a transit such as this. Cheering you from the sidelines are a sextile with Leo Sun (August 1-22), Leo Mars (all of August), Leo Venus (August 27 onwards), and Libra Jupiter (all of August), whose combined efforts conspire towards buoyancy. You are lucky, charming, and good at taking the initiative when it’s needed. Unfortunately, this may be a good time to remind you of the Virgo Mercury square, which turns nasty when it goes into retrograde on August 12th. Virgo joins Gemini to rule Mercury, after all, and in some ways, resembles your intellectual shadow side. You’re a delight and you really do have what it takes, but it might feel like you’re meeting the only people in the world that don’t see that. Chalk it up to a bureaucratic error; once Mercury leaves both the sign and the retrograde, you’ll burst from inside the (metaphysical) filing cabinet and get the accolades you’ve been needing. Retrograde Saturn in Sagittarius sextiles your Sun, in particular if you were born in mid-June. This will enable you to organize yourself before trying to dazzle anyone again; the retrograde motion (until August 26, that is) hints that getting your ducks in a row might not look like the ordinary way for you. Challenge your own philosophies and try to stop short of doing so under great personal risk. Under the square with retrograde Neptune in Pisces, it’s important to be as realistic as you can manage. Beware of those who try and sway you; you are very prone to deception at this time.

Y O U R    B L E N D    T H I S    M O N T H

You're dealing with a lot of uncertainty this month. Best to keep your feet planted firmly in the Earth.